Kate has been playing piano and sharing her love of music for over 40 years. Kate's loves to teach piano, sharing her passion for music, and all it's benefits, with others.
My name is Kate. I have been playing piano and sharing my love of music for over 40 years. My passion for the benefits of music is boundless and I love to share that joy with others.
I was classically trained as a child in the theory and practice of music but have an interest in all genres. I have worked in the mental health and education space with adults, young people, and upper primary school students to promote the benefits of learning an instrument, which has been proven to improve self-esteem, concentration, confidence, and mental wellbeing.
I believe the key to learning music is in the enjoyment of the experience and am passionate about teaching the rudimental tenets of both theory and practice in a way that can be adapted to the needs and goals of the student.
A little about me: I am an avid birdwatcher, and I love animals, reading, writing, bushwalking, gardening, nature, and of course, music!